i am so shitty at updating this thing now. most important business up front. michael's curtailment went through, and he gets to leave 6 May! i don't know how the hell it happened but whatever. it's awesome. i don't think his unit really ever needed him anyways. so today we spent the day at camp henry clearing some stuff, getting his orders, blahblahblah. i also got my ticket set up, which is awesome. i fly on the morning of Thursday, 6 May. from the mofo incheon airport. so, i'll have to go up there wed. night and stay at a hotel. Michael's flying to NC (as of right now), so maybe he can come with me.
so yeah! that's where i currently stand on that front.
i made some bitchin black bean and red pepper soup tonight. seriously- it was awesome.
i need to get rid of the rabbit. help.
bought a jump rope.
michael telepathically sent me a message via brain stuff. apparently he had been thinking about a name for the past 3 days (the name was "kimosabe" and it's from a skit off 'whose line is it anyways' which was doing a skit about the lone ranger. anyways, it's the way he says it that is important here.) well, he mentioned he couldn't remember it and suddenly, my brain was mush and i couldn't either. so i spent about 15 minutes pacing back and forth, trying to meditate it to my gd brain. in the middle of this, he remembers, i tell him to write it down and make him send it to me via brain waves... we do that for about 30 seconds and i remembered. kimosabeeee.
this spiraled me into some web searches which led me to thinking about archuletta, which led me to looking up personality types which allowed me to realize/analyze something.
i think i know why i am consistently coming up as a ESTJ and not what i should be, ESTP. the last time i recall being a ESTP was when i was not with Michael, and more importantly, had nothing to lose.
getting married turned me into some wicked jealous bitch. i don't know why or how. just did.
before, i used to see 'slaggotry' as a way of life. something everyone does to get by in life and 'i gotta get mine. you gotta get yours' (i just went 2pac/mc breed on your ass. was i even alive when that song came out? i never know.) anyway. after we got married, it was like "what? sluttyness? get that shit outta here" and i got all "morals and values and anything that will keep cheating out of the picture" ish.
to summarize an ESTJ, they are family oriented, loyal, natural leaders, value tradition and security. if they apply to "married esther", then yes. they are relatively true. at least the security part. i want to be secure that there will be no sleezing. but by no means do i "value traditions" and "family oriented" is the farthest from my mind. family? psht.
so there are a few solutions to my conundrum.
1. don't be married.
2. stop being a jealous bitch and have a normal, peaceful, enjoyable life.
3. stop being a jealous bitch and have a normal, constantly-cautious-that-something-shady-is-going-on life.
4. accept i'm now an ESTJ.
5. get to AZ, get a job, make a shit ton of friends, do a shit ton of drugz, start selling art i make when i'm on a roll for meano money and live a ballin' life and be an ESTP, yo.
i'm going to try to do #5. and slap-a-ho if i find out there's some stupid online bitty he's talking to. aaah ahahaha. it's funny because it already happened. whaaaat?
olsons! girl of the day is
alejandra bernal
miss argentina world in 2007
i should go to bed now.
peace- 8 dayz!