Tuesday, April 27, 2010

i fell in love with my enemy

i am so shitty at updating this thing now. most important business up front. michael's curtailment went through, and he gets to leave 6 May! i don't know how the hell it happened but whatever. it's awesome. i don't think his unit really ever needed him anyways. so today we spent the day at camp henry clearing some stuff, getting his orders, blahblahblah. i also got my ticket set up, which is awesome. i fly on the morning of Thursday, 6 May. from the mofo incheon airport. so, i'll have to go up there wed. night and stay at a hotel. Michael's flying to NC (as of right now), so maybe he can come with me.
so yeah! that's where i currently stand on that front.

i made some bitchin black bean and red pepper soup tonight. seriously- it was awesome.

i need to get rid of the rabbit. help.

bought a jump rope.

michael telepathically sent me a message via brain stuff. apparently he had been thinking about a name for the past 3 days (the name was "kimosabe" and it's from a skit off 'whose line is it anyways' which was doing a skit about the lone ranger. anyways, it's the way he says it that is important here.) well, he mentioned he couldn't remember it and suddenly, my brain was mush and i couldn't either. so i spent about 15 minutes pacing back and forth, trying to meditate it to my gd brain. in the middle of this, he remembers, i tell him to write it down and make him send it to me via brain waves... we do that for about 30 seconds and i remembered. kimosabeeee.


this spiraled me into some web searches which led me to thinking about archuletta, which led me to looking up personality types which allowed me to realize/analyze something.
i think i know why i am consistently coming up as a ESTJ and not what i should be, ESTP. the last time i recall being a ESTP was when i was not with Michael, and more importantly, had nothing to lose.
getting married turned me into some wicked jealous bitch. i don't know why or how. just did. 
before, i used to see 'slaggotry' as a way of life. something everyone does to get by in life and 'i gotta get mine. you gotta get yours' (i just went 2pac/mc breed on your ass. was i even alive when that song came out? i never know.) anyway. after we got married, it was like "what? sluttyness? get that shit outta here" and i got all "morals and values and anything that will keep cheating out of the picture" ish. 
to summarize an ESTJ, they are family oriented, loyal, natural leaders, value tradition and security. if they apply to "married esther", then yes. they are relatively true. at least the security part. i want to be secure that there will be no sleezing. but by no means do i "value traditions" and "family oriented" is the farthest from my mind. family? psht.
so there are a few solutions to my conundrum.
 1. don't be married.
 2. stop being a jealous bitch and have a normal, peaceful, enjoyable life.
 3. stop being a jealous bitch and have a normal, constantly-cautious-that-something-shady-is-going-on life.
 4. accept i'm now an ESTJ. 
 5. get to AZ, get a job, make a shit ton of friends, do a shit ton of drugz, start selling art i make when i'm on a roll for meano money and live a ballin' life and be an ESTP, yo. 

i'm going to try to do #5. and slap-a-ho if i find out there's some stupid online bitty he's talking to. aaah ahahaha. it's funny because it already happened. whaaaat?

olsons! girl of the day is 
alejandra bernal
miss argentina world in 2007

i should go to bed now.
peace- 8 dayz!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

for the man who don't think he's a fool he control his destiny, but he's too cool for himself

all i need is something to keep me movin' on, in a world where violence reigns, and everybody seems so strange to me -slightly stoopid
i have not written in a few days. whoops. i haven't been spending that much time online. for a quick update, i've been trying to keep up the gym lifestyle change. i have about 15 days left in the country of korea, thank god. my resume is as written out as i'm going to get it before i have to edit it, after it's been reviewed. i can't think right now. 
i just did a pore strip on my face cus the weather here sucks n that was pretty gross. i think everyone should use those. i made michael try one and he was like augh. haha. it was pretty funny.
i made some honduran cuisine for dinner tonight, baleadas. which were pretty tasty given how much we improvised haha. michael liked it, so thats cool.
i think i'm becoming addicted to etsy.com. there's this little ring i want to buy when i get home.
i'm pretty excited.
 then there is the little polaroid camera i srsly want. i know i got my old school one, but the film is sofuckingexpensive and i believe, more than anything, it will serve as a furniture piece in our home. but this is the one i'm going to be snatching up soon, i hope. 
white is awesome. and it looks like a bubble. wicked.
speaking of homes. we've decided on where we're going to be living when we get to AZ. granted, we're newlyweds (i don't consider the past years to have counted to our marriage, given that the army royally fucked that up) so we're relatively poor as dirt. and then you have to take into consideration that sierra vista is a giant mass of white trash trailer park slums. so it's not exactly beverly hills, and we're not in the business of impressing people anyway. the result is a cheap (i think under 500) studio apartment :) i've always thought studios were cool; granted, that was when i was single. but it is what it is. i'm not trying to break us off just yet. 
either way, i'm excited about having an apartment again and decorating! yay!

my rabbit is trying to systematically kill me. she makes so much fucking noise during the night, and is trying to escape by chewing through the wall. she's going back in the cage tonight.

olsons! girl of the day is 
itati cantoral
mexican actress
moving on. i've decided that, even though i hate the idea of skin cancer (and with knowing that my mom had skin cancer) and the idea that one day i'll be wrinkly-er, i'm going to go tanning as much as i can when i get to AZ. there's no way that i'm this incapable of being tan. i think the darkest i was ever able to get was in basic training. but i looked retarded then.
anyways. if i still write in here, i'll make sure to update my chemotherapy progress and as the cancer progresses.

you ain't winnin if you're losin'. -slightly stoopid 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Top 60 Ghetto Black Names

this is so fucking funny to me. bahahahahaha

impossible, not.

i didn't think it was possible but i just cussed myself out and managed to hurt my feelings.

this could be my fucking save if i hadnt mf'ing pissed my time away.

yeah. i could be doing a mediocre job in iraq! and be making mad stackz. and have awesome benefits. 
if i hadn't pissed away 4 years and not gotten a fucking degree. jesus christ i'm an idiot. what the hell man... 
i'm going to end up working at the home depot.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

bombs over baghdad.


today was pretty cool. definitely woke up around noon and went to hami mami's for some breakfast. then i remembered i told my sister and dad that i'd find them some kinda korean souvenir. my sister, beida, is collecting shot glasses which is pretty boss. i used to have one from every airport i'd gone to and somewhere between joining the army and right now when i remembered that, i don't know where the fuck they are.
anyways, i'd already gotten her some clear shot glasses from some place in osan but i found a set of soju shots so i grabbed her some of those. and another set. and another set, but i think i'm keeping the jar set.
still can't find a mf'ing frog for my dad. apparently he went crazy since the last time i saw him and now he's collecting frog/toad figurines. that's cool i guess. a step down from the dog figurines i remember as a little girl.
and i also picked up a little korean pipe which i'm pretty excited about trying out. there was one at the next place i hit up, but the dude that was working there told me he's got better ones he can bring in for me so i'm going to wait. oh, and i bought a little gold box. it's the perfect size and perfectly awesome.

so anyways. here are some pictures of my new goodies.

yay for old shit that i seem to be obsessed with!

el pipe oh.

the small box. ignore the giant fucking hand.
now we're going to get pizza and drink cheap wine (i'll be wishing i had ambien) and watch movies. or something.
and if anybody wants to buy my film for this camera, that'd be great, thanks. them shits are expensive.

oh yeah, olson! your girl of the day is
paula alonso
miss gautemala 

i decided to put up a risqué-er picture, since i've been sucking lately haha

Friday, April 16, 2010


oh yeah, i forgot to mention!
i am a champ! i just found out my gaydar is better than like 90% of yall! anyway. you should try to beat me here!

if you were dead or still alive, i don't care, i don't care, and all the things you left behind, i don't care, i don't care.

mother of cripes. great fucking song!
before i get into my fulmination of sorts, i want to say something. 

i got punched in the nose last night. punched. FUCKING PUNCHED. in the face.
like, looked up and saw a giant fist going straight towards my nose. and more importantly, it was michael delivering this powerful blow to my precious beak.
but let me clarify before i continue. we were play wrestling in bed and i let go to try to move in for a choke and in that moment he was reaching for my wrists and blam. next second, my eyes are welling with tears, i'm clutching my nose and whimpering. the next second, i'm shuffling to the bathroom mirror to check if there's perma damage. there wasn't. my body is so awesome, it didn't even bleed. i have the coolest body defenses. it takes a fucking wrecking ball to leave a bruise on me and a shark attack to draw blood. anyways. i did cry like a little bitch. i thought i was that age where i can fall, scrape my knee and not cry. apparently i'm not. hi, i'm six.

moving on. 

i'm going to skip the vent i was going to go on. and say that apocalyptica- i dont care reminds me of when i first got to 532 S3 and worked with brandon and deese. the former was a cool cat. one of my favorite people i met in the army, albeit a short time. deese turned out to be the biggest pain in the ass. though, many people laughed at his expense. owell. fuck that guy. anyways, i used to listen to that song a lot back then. that was a few days before my life as i formerly knew it ended. 

now i'm listening to thrice- trust. this song reminds me of when i worked at the pizza place and there was a delivery guy that worked with me n he used to sing a few of the words. i don't think he knew the song in it's entirety. 
my time working at that pizza place was my first time in the 'real world', while still being able to hide under momNdad's safety, so to speak. the first and last time i'd have that experience, actually. so outside of high school and the pieces of shit i had to interact with there, (note: people i was forced to see on a daily in high school- fucking disgusting. when i think of it, it makes me slightly vomit. seriously. could there be a bigger group of degenerates and filthy skanks? oh. wait. the army. i forgot.) this was the first time i worked with a different set of people (aside from denny's. that didn't count) 
i'm glad i got to experience that! where the fuck would i be without that minimum wage paying job where the sleezebag mexican cooks in the background hit on me and said nasty shit in spanish, while tossing the dough? or without them talking shit about me to all the other employees? or without burning my fingertips off at least 3 times a day? or without getting the opportunity to solidify within myself that i would never allow myself to be the loser 'grown ups' that worked there that were well over 30 years old. who the fuck works at a pizza place over the age 23? i'll answer my own question with "3/4 of the employees of ameci's in 2006".
fuck those guys. 

now i'm listening to lil wayne- lollipop. funny thing about this song was that i hated it when it came out. i was dating some white kid with a big nose and weighed about 85 pounds. anyways, the kid thought he was black. i don't mind when black people think they're black, cus. no shit. they're black. but nope. this guy was in perpetual identity crisis and would listen to lil wayne. thus, i hated it. we broke up the day i went to michaels house (the day i officially met michael) and decided i'd rather be with michael than this faggot ass. then i started listening to lil wayne and lollipop was almost always playing when i would haul ass during lunch to michael's apartment every day. that was back when shit was awesome. 
i was constantly high. constantly. i had so much fucking ambien, i could have taken baths in the shit. and i had a 25 year old "boyfriend" who had a bad ass roommate (dutz!) and their fridge never had food but the freezer always had vodka. and if we weren't smoking, we were watching youtube and drinking. that might not sound like a lot to anybody else but for me? that was heaven. i had just gotten back from iraq and my short term memory was shot. it was bliss!
then things started changing, as they will in life. dutz moved out, we moved to tina's place, got a ferret, left the ferret with some chick, went to NC, got married, moved back to ghetto apartments, started paying for our "candy" and then shit moved even faster when he left and then i had to come to korea.


1. Of, pertaining to, or suggestive of dreams; dreamy.

i worked out today. yesterday was my day off. mainly because i decided i'd rather sleep in. i went in the afternoon instead of 10am. it was horrible. i was all shaky and shit. then michael came home and we went to get groceries. no matter how we do it, we spend a grip of money there. the taxis managed to piss me off yet again like i knew they would. iwantmymf'ingcarbacknowwwwwww.

olsons! girl of the day is 
anette michel
mexican model and soap actress.

hey, some depressing ass elliott smith- needle in the hay just came on the pod. bahaha who listens to these tunez. 

oy! three days grace- take me under. such a great fuckin song! i think after rise against, tdg is my favorite. even if they conjure up images of high schoolers. 

alright, this post is long enough already. sorry for boring. cheerz!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Psycho Dog Man

i demand everyone watch this immediately.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i heard him he said 'damn', damnit. only adults like us are allowed to say 'damn', 'bitch-ass' and 'hell'. so get your hellin' damnin' ass back in that bitchin' damn room, damnit.

i fucking love aqua teens, mf!

i have been neglecting writing in this damn thing. i've actually been making myself wake up at 9am to go work out. if i was still in the army, fuck waking up on my day off at 9 to go work out. i also made my way to the commi (it's got food!) to pick up my fruits since i'm all out. i decided to try out some papaya and kiwis and white nectarines. now let's talk about this for a minute. i fucking loved the kiwis, like i am addicted now. i've tried them before but i guess i didn't pay attention to them because this time, i almost had a stroke. i apparently do not know how to pick out a fuckin' papaya cus it wasn't all that great and aside from a little bit on the inside, that thing was rock hard (thatswhatshesaid). i ended up throwing half of it away. and the white nectarine. i'm pretty sure i've had one before, but for the life of me i can't figure out if it's good to eat or spoiled. it's not white on the inside. i don't know. this shit's hard. oh, and raspberries are gross. no matter how hard i have tried to like them, it's not happening.

i was thinking about things while i was chopping up my honeydew and came to the conclusion that the army had some of the shystiest people i ever or will ever meet. take for example my last unit. the oic was madly in love with himself, got a hard on as soon as he thought he made someone feel small or reminded them of his college days. i asked him for a favor before i left. i knew damn well nothing would come of it, given how frequently i snubbed him during his gaybot conversations that bored me more than any math class ever could. but i also never 'dropped a ball' when he asked me to do something. sure, that's just doing my job which i got paid for. my point is, the sorry bastard didn't fucking do it for me. i think he might have been peeved off that he did not get a csauce coin. but fuck that guy, and his cigarette bumming habits.
then there was the ncoic. at first, couldn't stand the guy- hated him. made my already difficult job somehow MORE difficult! i never thought it was possible but the sonofabitch somehow managed. it was the things i heard about him behind closed doors that affected me the most. someway along the way, i thought he was decent and since he had recently gotten a hand smack for 'going with' some e7 that worked, ahem, nearby, it seemed like he had became bearable to be around. anyways. i asked him for the same favor and he too failed. 
there was also another friend i had in the shop who i happened to think we'd be cool, even past my termination with the army. but nah. he deleted me off facebook, which in modern days (no matter how much i hate it) that's the new "you're un-invited to my birthday party" kind of thing. i don't really care much about losing friends; anyone who's known me long enough can attest to that. and they can also tell you how i catch just about everything, pay stupid amounts of time to detail and analyse every possible situation. that guy was a douchebag anyways. but what can you expect from someone who leads everyone to believe they are a devout Christian but are just as sleezy as your local tramp. that's not just the army though. that's the world. 
there was the slutty sgt that worked in the bn s1 who trashed any other female's reputation, yet tried to hold the "concerned citizen" card each and every time she pried into other's business. and there was also the douchebag from s6 who hit on everything with a vagina, could never catch the bastard without a bottle of 'panty droppers' in his room to coax the next dumb broad into fucking him. i guess after half a bottle of soju and 9 ambiens, any idiot would fuck that piece of shit. but that wouldn't be the worst character flaw of that shysty bastard. nope. it would be his lack of loyalty and his get-ahead mentality that would place him at the trigger puller position in a fratricide situation. i dont think i've ever met a bigger dick in regards to stealing the limelight like that dirtbag. i pity the peeps that deploy with him. it's alright though, unless he's cupping the balls, he'll never see combat. just sit behind some computers and wire, while he leads people back home to believe he's some decorated war hero. lmao, oh i crack myself up. 

anyways, my point is. there was maybe only 10% of people i met through the army that i liked, 45% that i disliked and the other 45% i didn't care about or notice. also, come may 9th, i won't restrain myself, regarding army issues, anymore. if the people i know in the army have a problem with that, i suggest cutting your ties now. the reason for the delay is legal liabilities :) 

moving on. bloviate
1. to speak or write at length in a pompous or boastful manner.

and olsons! girl of the day issss
alicia machado
venezuelan- won the 1995 miss venezuela beauty pageant
and miss universe 1996.

anyways. i need to make the bed (at 530pm) since my husband requires the bed to be made to go to sleep. bahahha. anyways.

Monday, April 12, 2010

i love when humans fly

i haven't had a chance to update as i have been busy/exhausted. i went scuba diving out in pusan yesterday and it was quite possibly one of the most awesome things. ever.
swam with sharks, giant sea turtle, sting rays, bunch of different fish, i giant (like 1000 pounds kind of giant) fish and a bunch of other stuff. pictures will come soon. it was all on a disposable waterproof cam. honestly though. if you've never done that before, you need to. it's fucking awesome. next step is getting certified in the ocean. possibly when we go to NC.

olsons girl of the day (sorry it's been so long!) played briefly on one of my all time favorite shows. arrested development.

leonor varela

anyways. i'm on a mission to go find some kimbap and a stick for my rabbit to gnaw on.
i'll write more in depth soon.

cheers n peace.

Friday, April 9, 2010

cheez its.

i hope i get tired soon because i dont want to be alone and awake after midnight. that shits gay. why'd michael have to pull night shift? guh. he goes in to work in like 2 hours. i bought him something of a care package. some pork rinds, monster, honey bun, i dont remember what else. what screams 'i love you' more than 2400 calories? 

we watched shutter island and little miss sunshine this morning. i saw the latter a while back and it seemed a lot funnier then. i guess when my life was so entirely shitty, semi entertaining indie movies seem like a riot. i'm glad i'm no longer a fag. here's a synopsis of both movies.
shutter island- two marshalls go to an island to find some missing chick, one of them disappears while the other one plays on the cliff. finds chick in a cave; he's been tripping balls throughout the movie. twist ending.
little miss sunshine- road trip in a beat up hippie bus that you need to run-start with average suburban family consisting of a cokehead grandpa, depressed gay steve carell, blind melon's no rain music video bee girl, emo kid with a yellow shirt driving to a beauty pageant.

there ya go. i just saved you at least 3 hours.

there's this camera that AFN always plays their commercial. it's called the canon powershot sd 1400 is. here is a picture of it. 
well, i want it. it's expensive as shit. i don't know why i want it but those damn targeting specialist working with the commercial marketing agencies know me too well. time to change identity.

i would like to say. i had no! idea that owen wilson was in that movie anaconda, even though i've seen it like a dozen time. unperceptive bastard.

okay. peace for now.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

this could be the end of me and everything i know oh but i wont go

g'morning. salutations,

i definitely woke up at like 130pm today, so for the start of the weekend, things are going great. (lest we forget, everyday's the weekend for me, baaaah!)
michael's making some breakfast right now, so this might be a little quick. 
i ended up watching the birdcage (funny movie), the crazies (awesome scary movie. i was loving it!) and groundhog day, which i'd never seen before for some reason. the ending was sappy but Jesus Christ man. hilarious lines. 

olsons! girl of the day is 
Mirtha Salinas
is a spanish news reporter from mexico
known for having an affair with los angele's mayor.

breakfast is ready and we're going to watch shutter island :) working out later and michaels got night shift.

but we ran away, now all my friends are gone

we're all ok, until the day we're not. the surface shines, while the inside rots. we raced the sunset and we almost won. we slammed the brakes, but the wheels went on. -rise against.

 so i did a little thinking and i'm coming up with a list of things i want to do before i die. i've done these before but i don't think i wrote them down on something other than a post it. anyway. i plan on sharing these things soon.

i went on a run a little while ago. michael bailed on me, and i almost didn't go but i guess now is as good a time as ever to make a lifestyle change. i'm on pills, im semi active, i'm eating fruit and chugging water like it's the last day on earth. if that doesn't kick start my defective metabolism, nothing will :)

michaels making dinner tonight. getting spaghetti. woop. i'm in the process of downloading some movies for tonight and tomorrow, since he has the day off (but pulling a night shift. bummer). i got shutter island downloading and i'm about to find 'the crazies' when the site comes back up. i got 'little miss sunshine', 'groundhog day' and 'the birdcage' loading now. super!

i just thought back on something. when i was doing my job as an intelligence analyst. i thought it was really boring as i did it, and when i came to korea and no longer worked as an analyst, i thought i missed it. and i'm thinking back on my team leader who was constantly rejecting our reports saying they were crappy, etc. it's funny to think that the people who produce our intelligence reports and articles and brief "the big guys" are the same people you watch get sloshed on the weekends, playing beer pong and taking home "that girl". 
due to my background working in that field, with those people, i don't think i will ever trust that the country is in good hands. there's so much people 'on the outside' just don't see or know. it's kinda a shame.

that's it for now.  

1. A migraine.
2. A fancy; a whim.
3. In the plural: lowness of spirits -- often with 'the'.

peace x

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

cus when the roof caved in and the truth came out, i just didn't know what to do.


i got to sleep in today. again :) it's been a good day so far, too. michael made me an awesome wrap for breakfast. one of my absolute favorite songs is playing on the ipod. the gaslight anthem- red in the morning. if you haven't heard it, you should. also, decided to try the GI Bill stuff one last time before i make a failed attempt to send it through the mail and somehow, the website worked this time. i don't think my DD 214 actually attached, so that might lead to some problems. i hope not.

i forgot to write yesterday, so olson! didn't get a girl of the day.
i love today's. her name is nadine velazquez, also known as catalina, on one of the funniest shows i've ever seen- my name is earl. i fucking love that show. if you haven't seen it, you should.
nadine velazquez
known for her sexy dance ;)

next piece of conversation. i'm going swimming with sharks this weekend! on sunday, actually. there's this place that offers shark diving, south of here in a city named busan. anyways, for some cash, some dude takes you diving with sharks. to me, this equals awesome photography opportunities. i want to hug a shark, but michael tells me that may not be a good idea. he's so silly sometimes.

now i'm listening to green day- know your enemy. one of the 1sgs from one of our companies used to sing this song all.the.fucking.time. it was so annoying because it's kinda annoying if you're not in the mood for it and it gets stuck in your damned head and guh.

going for a run tonight. pretty excited about that. so far, i've drank less than 1 bottle of water. 

anyway, the ol back is starting to hurt, so i will write again tonight perhaps. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da.


cut right to the chase. 
OLSONS! girl of the day is 
ana claudia, from cancun, mexico.
you might know her from the movie 'one missed call'.

word of the day is 
1.To understand, especially in a profound and intimate way. Slang.
which is an ugly word.

today, i made some potato-soup-in-a-bag stuff, added some veggies and it was awesome. straightened the hair, apparently i'm beginning to care again. this is good!
michael informed me that he knows where a office supply store is, downtown, and we were going today. this made me very happy. after work, we hopped a cab over there and sure enough, a 6 floors of office supplies and DIY supplies, at Sdot. 
i spent around 100 bucks worth of shit. how fucking insane is that? it's not healthy. michael and i bought matching pens, sorta. we took photos of our goods. please, bask in them.
this is the pen. it's got albert einstein on the other side, and a quote: imagination is more important than knowledge. knowledge is limited. imagination encircles the world. or something. i had to translate it.
it's my new signature pen.

almost everything from the shopping spree. a new pen cup, black board, neon markers and a scheduler.

yes. bahahahaha.

sexy ass.

lmao, michael's breakfast orange.

i just almost died on my salsa rice & chicken. apparently, it was still on fire and i didn't realize how spicy it was. long story short, i swallowed a huge bite of chicken, whole and snorted salsa. it hurt.

and i would like to make a mention of MIke Rowe, from discovery channels 'dirty jobs'. he's a pretty cool dude. and! he's got that manly chest thing going on. i dont know when america turned gay and guys started shaving their entire body, but on behalf of real women that like their men to look like men and not prepubescent boys, please stop shaving your chests/bodies.

this is what man is supposed to look like.
alright. that's it. until next time.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

hello. salutations. aloha!

this weekend was pretty cool! i've been working on updating my ipod, which was in some need of attention. there was a few bands/albums that i had the songs committed to memory so well, i felt the need to not have the songs in the ipod. stupid mistake. i've corrected the matter.

i caught up on some sleep. you might think that since i get paid to not do anything for the next month or so, i'd be caught up on sleep. nope! you would be wrong if you thought that. 
i have not been doing a good job at drinking water. baby steps, kids.

we got some beef & leaf last night. it was one of the best i've had since i've been in korea. michael brought one of the bones with him, on the walk back for a dog we saw on the side of the road. in retrospect, i should have pet him before we gave him the bone. i tried to pet him after michael handed him his tasty little barbaric snack and in goes me, with my friendly little hand to do a head pat and next thing i know, i'm jumping into traffic from the heart attack this mutt gave me. bitch tried to bite my hand! no harm done, except for the ptsd episodes i've been having. if you're curious about what the varmint looked like, here:

and some more photos from the night...

i adore this photo. his eyes look huge. ignore the homeless-guy looking fashion. :)

i look like a muppet puppet, whatever that is. 

matching muppet puppet photo. must have been saying the same word.

deep fried purple potato. awesome, right?

say "june". "jew".

starting up the fire.

moving along.
today, we went to this little place right outside post called Hami Mami's. 
it's a place that serves breakfast all day, and since michael & i are big breakfast lovers, we decided to try it. ohmyGOSH. so good. it was not just good. it was amazing good. and pretty. i took pictures!

this is michael's breakfast.

i got a smoothie, blueberry banana, and words cannot do it justice. it was phenomenal. think of the best thing you have ever had in your life, in your mouth. it was like that, but better :)
here are some more photographs of our hami mami's experience:


us :)

our outing today was to also venture out and try to find an office supply store. i'm lucky that i found someone who is as whacked out as i am about office supplies. this wasn't the first time we've paid a wad of cash for a taxi to drive us around while we look for an office supply store. (last time was in Seoul)
we ended up not finding one and ended up at the Daegu train station, walked up the main street and BAM! i spotted a green looking store, we went in and found ourselves some yellow medium sized legal pads. it was love!
here are some photos from the rest of the day
another photograph i love. this was in the first taxi ride. 
he looks so happy, and it's hard to get him to genuinely smile in a picture.

obligatory kiss photo.

i <3 michael.

that's it. 
i need to find some new music but i'm just too lazy to find new bands and put forth some effort to like them. haha!
i plan on getting some stuff done tomorrow, not sure what, yet, but something will get done.
