Sunday, April 18, 2010

impossible, not.

i didn't think it was possible but i just cussed myself out and managed to hurt my feelings.

this could be my fucking save if i hadnt mf'ing pissed my time away.

yeah. i could be doing a mediocre job in iraq! and be making mad stackz. and have awesome benefits. 
if i hadn't pissed away 4 years and not gotten a fucking degree. jesus christ i'm an idiot. what the hell man... 
i'm going to end up working at the home depot.


1 comment:

  1. I hear Home Depot isn't a bad place to go......while you going to college to get a degree. You know there are a few tricks to getting your foot in the door, by psuedo lying on your application. You can put down that you have an Assoc. Degree but make sure to put at the end of it "working towards". I know plenty of companies that will work with you, but it all about getting your foot in the door. You'll make it there.
