Monday, September 20, 2010

reasoning to cry.

so on saturday i went off roading and at night i got pretty drunk and tried to climb a fence and did not succeed. i fell a little and twisted my ankle. on sunday i went horse back riding with mike and was terrified. i decided i don't like when horses run or trot. at all. and it hurts my vagina. so that's not cool. 
anyways on the way back, we were trying to take photos of each other but my stupid phone turned into a jew so he was trying to give me his canon camera and turns out our horses hate each other so my idiot horse takes off straight into a tree and almost whacks my head off and then ran through my thorny bushes that cut my arms up and ran all the way back to the stupid stables. that's when i started crying and hyperventilating. the horse lady heard me screaming from a while away cus she kept telling me to pull the reins. too bad i probably traumatized the horse by pulling on that shit with all my strength cus i almost fell off the goddamn horse. i tried kicking it, since voice commands and rein tugging was not working out so hot. none of it worked and i was all shaking n shit when i climbed off. so horse riding bumps my fear of shit up to four: heights, roller coasters, dark, and horse riding.

before we got separated and the equine turned deadly

apparently everyone i told my story to got the memo of how to jedi the horse into not trying to assassinate me or something. either that or they are trying to look smarter than me. too bad i am from a place where horses are something you can see at a zoo. plus they kind of remind me of cute, small dinosaurs. 

work is stressing me the fuck out. i worked on my shit most of the weekend and should've been done today but no. i stayed as late as i could and still didn't finish. there were a shit ton of people at the office today and there was this kid that used every opportunity to talk to me. too bad he was not up to my standard of people i wish to talk to cus he had stupid commentary. and a big nose. i caught the ugly big guy with the uglier side profile staring intensely at me today. i almost vomited. 

and now my next door neighbor who is also my maintenance guy wants to go horseback riding with us. he wants to bring his roommate with him. i am pretty sure his roommate is a rock star. cus he always looks like he is highly geeked out. more shit happened this weekend but my microwave keeps beeping at me. i'll write better shit one day. oh yeah if you want to read an awesome story then read this awesome story NOW.
i totally went on a POW/MIA walkathon and just about fell out. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow that sounded like a pretty exciting weekend. Sorry the horse back riding hurt your cooch. Maybe next time if there is a next time you should ride the lazy old horse with grey hair. At least that fucker wont run you into thorn bushes in fear he might be sent to the glue factory.
