Wednesday, August 4, 2010

what did you fucking say to me?

so i am thinking i will go to blockbuster today and buy a movie. it is one of my favorites too and i don't know why i don't have the bonnie and clyde movie. i remember the first time i saw it i cried. that is my second thing on my to do list today. 
no redbull yet today. crisis mode activated. this weekend i am hoping i am not super gay and just sleep on my floor the entire weekend. no i have big hopes for this weekend. no big plans because i am terrible at formulating plans. maybe i will swim or some shit but i am definitely getting drunk because thats what adults do. and because this job is draining me faster than a cancer could or something. i learned something about myself people do not like to hear about happy lives or how great your job is blahsyblahsyblah. i know i dont anyways. i have friends who probalby stole their lives from a movie script. you know perfect life? thats fantastic to talk about over coffee but for day to day i prefer people who bitch about their jobs. why? because thats fucking normal. i don't associate with overachievers, thanks. i just found out my stupid workstation does not have microsoft office 2007 installed on it. BITCH! i have spent the last two days installing shit on this stupid computers. i am supposed to load maps today but turns out the instructions are all cryptic because i do not have the the right ms office. i fucking hate technology. if i could run away and be a nomad bank robber in the god damned woods i would be. unfortunately i am stuck in sierra vista. 
this is where i work!
somebody please bring me a redbull. it is not even eight thirty and i already need another cigarette. 
hahaa mason just mentioned camp stanley and it reminded me of the time i was in korea when i had to drive to uijongbu for a wlc class well anyways i was driving with this girl from another unit and we missed our turn off so stupidly i thought to myself i could still navigate around it cant be that hard right? FUCKING WRONG. koreans are not forgiving drivers. just think about it. whenever you see a giant ass accident on the freeway you probably say 'it was probably a woman' but then you see the driver and what are they? KOREAN.
so couple that with the fact that literally EVERYTHING is in a foreign language made of little lines and that everything looks the same: trashy. we ended up about forty miles away from where we needed to be. i stopped a few "gas stations" and asked for help cus i only wanted to find americans at that point but no. even though every fucking male in that goddamned country was supposed to have served in the fucking military they could not point me in any fucking general direction. so i was getting desperate and called my good friend who was at the airport at that time and he got to listen when i almost died in korean traffic and i screamed so loud a hole opened up and swallowed me. all of this happened because i always break even. i had somehow found camp stanley. longer story short, we paid a taxi driver to lead us to camp jackson.

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