well fucks sake a bunch of shit has happened since i wrote the last time i did not die in california obviously. i found out my dad was jumped in honduras. so i no longer identify with that country. i got a speeding ticket. i lost my debit card and i have been pseudo poor ever since i got back from california.
none of this is important. what is important is i need to vent. i cant get over some shit and even when i try to make myself not give a shit i just get pissed off. do you know how annoying all of this is day after day. it actually does help knowing that you are equally as burned but i will continue to make a joke out of you. i still do not know what i am waiting for but i do know the day gets closer when i think of shit like walking through that door in korea or that dumb fucking slut walking up to me and the stupid look on her face.
you have obviously never been fucked over or you wouldnt dance so close to the edge.
so i have not bought a pack of cigarettes in like a week and it is driving me crazy. at this rate i could probably quit and be okay which would not be so bad because then i can keep running but that will probably not happen. this is all in preparation for when i leave america forever and move to like paris. then i will just walk everywhere every day and i will smoke cigarettes and drink wine and not do shit with my life. then i will wake up and realize i am still in my cubicle ignoring the work i should be doing. awesome.