Thursday, February 10, 2011

basic fundamentals.

so girls are sluts and boys are sluts and sometimes you want a boy to be only your slut and he says okay and you both agree that you wont be sluts perse but maybe you will be exclusive (sluts) to each other instead. and that is cool for a few days, a few weeks, maybe months, probably not years but you try anyways. and the only flaw in the otherwise sound logic is that there are still other sluts in the world and these sluts are not comfortable being lonely sluts and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, a true slut loves more than a boy who has agreed to exclusivity and for her to win that trophy of ultimate slut of the day!
and there are few things a boy slut enjoys more than feeling wanted by a pretty (slut) girl. it's always inadequacy issues. boy's dad probably left when he was a baby and the girl's mom probably drank too much and she has daddy issues because what girl does not have daddy issues.
so within seconds the entire formula is ruined and theres no room left for the original girl slut who maybe perhaps wanted to change. and so this slut wants revenge because thats what sluts do. they perpetuate sluttiness as a means to feel validation or maybe to teach someone a lesson. and the cycle is born. 

and people play this game forever until we die and our slutty offspring can continue and live on in our name.
this is why i will not procreate.

and this is why no one in the formula will ever be happy and there is no happy ending and someone at one point or another has to make the call to stop the madness and go start it somewhere else. some call it giving up, others call it accepting defeat, others say its being the mature one, i say its just chasing a high.
maybe next year i will take up opium.

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