Tuesday, December 21, 2010

hypocrisy and you.

i think today i maybe had an awakening but it's too early to tell and i will probably forget it all by my next smoke break. one day i think i will go to college and try it out because i want to shove my diploma in people's faces. but moreso because i want to find a professor's brain to fall in love with. i want to find people i think are smarter than me and what better place than a fucking college.
i digress. at one point or another i want to study theology. just to taste it. 

last night i went up a mountain and watched the lunar eclipse. it was pretty fucking cold and there was some overcast. but it was a perfect quiet up there. not the kind of silence that bangs so loud on your ears but enough subtle noises and wind to make my mind go all over the place. i thought so much, i thought i was going to die. i just kept thinking and thinking. i think i am falling in love with the outdoors. not camping and shit. that is still retarded. but just being outdoors away from computers. it all comes back to that. i fucking hate computers. IS THAT POINT EVIDENT YET?

i found a passage today, that i enjoyed. actually, i found two.
these six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."

and the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD, and lie unto his neighbor... or hath deceived his neighbor... and lieth concerning it, and sweareth falsely; in any of all these that a man doeth, sinning therein: then it shall be, because he hath sinned, and is guilty

if anybody was to ask me if i'm a hypocrite id probably reply yes before i even have a second to process what the fuck was just asked. also, if anybody was to ask me if i believe in God, yup. see, id rather not take my chances with purg- wait for it. keep waiting... keep-waiting-for-all-of-eternity-only-to-discover-there's-no-escape -atory. so even if i'm completely wrong, at least i wasnt a complete douchebag that didnt live for anything and was an asshole to everybody cus there was no moral code to ever abide by cus there were never any consequences. savvy?

however. and remember, im no saint.
I HAVE NO FUCKING TOLERANCE for a son-of-a-bitch who claims they are holy and yes, they sin, but they are devout Christians yet refuse to admit they are a mf'ing hypocrite. if you tell your boss your doctor appointment is running an hour late so you can go home for a nap, ITS A LIE. if you omit the truth, ITS STILL A LIE. if you download music illegally, ITS STEALING (and also against the law. you derelict.). if you look at a girl and you instantly think 'man i'd fuck her into next week'- YOURE A FUCKING CHEATER

(for the ignorant- not as an insult, but rather for those who believe they know the Bible but actually don't know shit and still think that 'lust' is not adultery, if we are still operating under the same argument, then i present to you the passage: 'you have heard that it was said, 'do not commit adultery.' but i tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. but i tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.' -Matthew 5:27)

i think it would be wise to reconsider your views or maybe take a deep, hard look within yourself and consider making some changes if you still think you will have the pleasure of entering the gates of Heaven and yet you are still a piece of shit on earth. i'm no judge, but i like to think a have a pretty realistic grasp on things and i think you (yes. i'm actually venting about someone here) have an extremely warped view about your past and where you stand now. 
and sure. lying, cheating, stealing, all forgivable sins if you should just beg for forgiveness. but i pose to you the question, when the fuck are you doing that? or do you continue to lie to yourself (and ultimately, God) and say, 'tomorrow.'? if thats the case (and let's be honest. we both know it is) then i am really glad you enjoy tanning and being out in the sun and all that fun stuff. because i hear hell is really fucking hot around this time of the year.

get your fucking shit sorted, you pathetic ass piece of shit.

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