Wednesday, November 17, 2010

a sad day for humanity.

 someone i deemed worthy of my adoration recently told me that they considered me an equal in their eyes too. it made me very happy. i rate people, i think everyone does. or at least the people who actually think in their lives, don't just go through the motions of everyday living and aren't insanely boring. i love people who analyze everything i use to hate those people but slowly they became the most interesting kind of humans. anyways i rate people and the closer they fall to how i act and behave and think the higher they rate. if i think they're smarter than me i will become something of a parasite and hover around them until something great happens. 
i need more of these people!

so about my last few posts. apologies but i cannot elaborate. 

check it out. i just got my mojo back. nothing lasts forever but i am only interested in the here and now and in the here and now i want to have fucking fun and fun i shall have.


  1. haha first to post from my phone

  2. Last paragraph doesn't seem very truthful, well at least the part about having your mojo back. I am pretty sure that you ran out of mojo a few days ago. ;)
