Thursday, September 2, 2010

why do you build me up...
read that shit. 

so ive been reading all morning. not getting much work done. 
ive been weighing the option of quitting or at least cutting down the smoking. maybe i should try that. im up to almost a pack a day, depending on how much i drive or if i get bored and go on a smoke break. next week ill probably make up my mind. 
ive never made a new years resolution that i followed through on. im not good at following my own time lines. i am so bad at that kind of stuff i usually have to make a shit ton of to do lists. im so lazy that sometimes i write shit like "wake up. take shower" ridiculous! sometimes it takes me days to do something that takes four minutes to do. literally. cus ill put it off. i think it gives me a sense of control like IM AN ADULT I CAN TAKE THE TRASH OUT NEXT WEEK IF I WANT TO. im fine with that, though. its other people that have an issue with it. 
i have other quirks that i dont like. those are the ones that will go first.
im so fucking curious sometimes that its borderline psycho. i hate people that are ambiguous. that shit can be funny sometimes. not when i am asking a question that i would prefer an answer to. if you dont provide an answer i just wont talk to you anymore get the fuck outta here with that. i also dont like people who are too stupid or lazy to be able to describe something vividly enough. 

i wish the people around me would fucking wake up and stop living in that existence. 
why is playing in the rain a stupid idea? i think people who think thats stupid are fucking retards. 
ask 'why' for the right questions. like WHY do you have to recite the pledge of allegiance if nobody formally explained it to you and youve been doing it for 18 years because your teacher told you to. dont ask 'why' to trying out new shit. 
put down your phone for a god damn minute.
give a fuck about how you look
start radiating

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