Thursday, September 2, 2010

i probably have too much time.

apparently i dont know math and this makes me a fail in every aspect of life. thanks a lot, brandon.
its probably a good thing im so good at photoshop then and with that talent i can go on to become a guerrilla gangster. or something as equally... gay.

pinochet often posed as if being photographed for a rap album cover.

you tell me who's more intimidating.
this one time i was driving a really important person to a graduation ceremony in korea. it was a few hours away. like if you were heading to north korea, because im pretty sure i almost ended up there a couple times. 
anyway i had been doing some serious drinking the night before and i did not get a lot of sleep. i ate a hotpocket, drank a lot of water, brushed my teeth ate some gum and even got some black coffee for the road. i was wicked hammered during this drive. i did not crash. NO THAT WOULD BE A STUPID STORY. i decided to throw up all over my self instead. while driving in korean traffic. with my command sergeant major and first sergeant in the car. i did it a few more times. i lost count when i committed mental suicide.
anyways. that was probably the worst thing that could ever happen to a human being given the situation i was in during my time in korea.

ive done some pretty stupid shit in my life and even though the past two years have been depressionville theres still a LOT of it that when i remember it i laugh my ass off and then i ask myself how the fuck do i manage to pull some of this shit off

IT MUST BE BECAUSE I AM A MAVERICK SVENGALI MASTERMIND AWESOME BAD ASS one day ill put all of into a book. but first i have to wait for a couple people to die. cus of you know copyright laws n shit.


  1. Wow you're so good at photoshop.

  2. wow, you're so good at being anonymous :)

    i'm like michael scott. i'm sort of an expert at photoshop.
