Wednesday, September 22, 2010

statistics and shittiness

one of the things that really sucks about the military and im sure society as a whole is the level of divorce rates. it sucks because some people look so happy together in the beginning and it sucks that at some point they decide I FUCKING HATE YOU SO MUCH I NO LONGER WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED TO YOU BY A LEGAL BINDING DOCUMENT. it seemed like all of my friends in the army were married or had been married or were waiting to return to the states to get divorced. i dunno. 

anyways. ive been busy all morning now with work shit but doing a hella lot of research. i love the internet for that reason alone. research. i'll always love the fuck out of the old pen and paper approach to things. and i enjoy cracking open a book and trying to commit all of it to memory. mind you, i failed throughout most of highschool. literally, failed. i failed P.E almost every semester. it's the part of being forced to learn and listen to someone that kills me. 
lately i really want to pursue a medical field future. who knows if i ever will. but, id love to help people. 
if nothing else i will go forward with my 'yoyo yoga' idea. you do yoga while yoyo'ing. also, i will be a clown performer on the weekend and do yoyo tricks for kids.

ive been eating boiled peanuts all morning. they are basically the greatest things ever. with a can of mountain dew? this guy is in heaven. 
the weather is awesome today, well it was earlier. mid 60's with some light rain. totally reminds me of the first time i took a road trip to north carolina and ate boiled peanuts. that was back in the day when my life was great. 

smell ya lata!


  1. ya. back in the day never had boiled nuts... sounds gross.

  2. you say that now until youve popped one of those wet salty bad boys in your mouth ;)
