Thursday, September 23, 2010

sickness of the home.

so between yesterday and today i feel totally not like myself. like my brain is either doing its own thing or doing opposite of whatever my body is doing. for example, i was driving home last night and my brain was like 'oh speed bump. let's slow down' but instead my body was like WHAT? FASTER? OKAY. and basically im all around off.

oh yeah. today's the super awesome fantastic twenty second birthday. i got to open and play with my awesome new camera last night. i still need to learn it by a lot but so far? awesome. and now i get to learn every fucking little detail of a new camera. i am like a camera whore. it is the one domain i have NO loyalty in. my first digital camera i ever bought was in 2006 when i was stationed here in arizona. i wanted to take ever lasting photos of the guys i was fucking at the time, of the ugly scenery and to just own a goddamned camera. it was all for naught because ever since then, ive had two laptop hard drives get completely wiped and an external terabyte which i paid a ridiculous amount of money for in iraq and then it decided to explode two years later, thus deleting almost all my memories from 2006-2009. shitty.
anyways. i've gone through a shit ton of cameras since 2006. i think i usually hand them off to my mom, so she usually has a pretty nice camera when i upgrade. i tend to also not give a shit how expensive a digital camera is as long as it's the best one on display that day. EVEN THOUGH I KNOW I WONT KEEP IT LONG. motherfuckers. 

so the twenty third also marks another thing which is when i am suppose to shed my stupid uterine lining and spend a shit ton of money on colorful tampons and other shit like that. anyways. im not bleeding and that pisses me off. i swear to god if i am knocked up i am going to be sopissedoff. my ovaries better have some fucking money to pay for a goddamned abortion if they are planning on being whores. cus i dont plan on quitting smoking and drinking anytime soon. GOOD THING I HAVENT BEEN A RAGING SLUT GUYS CUS THAT WOULD BE AWKWARD.

ah. glad to see my humor is still intact. 

i miss california a bit. i wanna go hang out with the parents for a while. hug their small little bodies and say smart ass comments to their concerned advice. i wanna go drive around with sarah and harass cathryn at work or wherever the hell she lives now. i wanna raid beidas closet too. when i left california i pretty much thought ILL BE BACK IN FOUR YEARS K! but nope. thats not how it goes. either way, im planning on going to visit soon. so you bitches better not be busy when i call and im like HEY. 

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