Thursday, August 12, 2010

who was so poor that they thought mashing up chickpeas and tossing some olive oil in it was a good idea?

know what i hate? when im reading something that is published and distributed to a mass audience and i catch spelling errors. it makes me think like what the fuck how do these people even have a business. anyways ive been reading over the p90x manual thing. brutal. i just popped in a 1 a day pill cus i figure maybe i need some vitamins and minerals and shit and it is making me want to throw up a lot. so maybe i will never do that again.
when i was home on r&r i had a psycho moment one night and went to walmart in california at like midnight and bought a shit ton of pills apparently i was high or something because my brain was like FEED ME GINKO BALOBA AND CAYENNE CAPSULES. so i bought like six different bottles of pills and started taking them because this must have been a message from higher power. long story short i got REALLY sick and had the worst heartburn for a while. i do that a lot, buy random pills and start taking them. i probably have no kidneys left.
now i am eating my stupid green bell pepper lunch with some stupid red pepper hummus.

i literally have no work to do right now. im pretty sure earl thinks i am getting way over paid to sit here and write in my blog. 

yesterday i wrote down what people around me were saying:
its got a bigger engine. thats why the floors are so sticky; become a millionaire- didnt get the details on it. straw that broke the camel's back! get arrested at his home, went off on this poor little girl. pisses me off.
im a handsome motherfucker! its all about the lighting! i have a good eye for hogs...

is it fucking four yet?

1 comment:

  1. =funny

    yesterday i wrote down what people around me were saying:
    its got a bigger engine. thats why the floors are so sticky; become a millionaire- didnt get the details on it. straw that broke the camel's back! get arrested at his home, went off on this poor little girl. pisses me off
