Sunday, August 1, 2010

life is like a published kilgore trout article.

so i figured i would write something today even though not anything remotely interesting happened today. i went to the park earlier to toss the ball around but it turns out i was not in the mood to do that. i was rather sluggish. i am boring myself right now actually i do not know why i am writing. 
whoah i just finished dinner and i probably should not have added half a cup of sriracha to my soup because i am  one step away from passing out. i finally got fucked by the way in case anybody wanted to know. it was great. oh how pleasant. joe just came and knocked on the door to see if we wanted to partake in beer and grilling. i think they think we like them. you know it probably would not be so bad if mike didnt become a jerkoff when he drinks and then i have to deal with awkward innuendo-filled conversations while the other guys try to pass a move on me while mike is taking a piss. i am on a stupid search to find a fantastic pair of stupid running shoes because the shocks or whatever they are called in mine are falling apart i guess that is what happens when you keep a pair of shoes you bought after a deployment three years ago. 
tomorrow is back to work. this week will most likely be terrible because i actually have to try. on thursday i am supposed to give my supervisor a demo of what i have learned and then give another demo to his supervisor (my old csm's wife) whoah i am watching a dove deodorant commercial and it's got a bunch of half naked indie girls dancing around in panties n shit. is it just me or is the media and society in general moving towards a softcore porn lifestyle all-around? i recently learned 'sex sells' i was familiar with the phrase before but i literally could promote something with enough cleavage and ass and legs. wide open beaver shots placed next to a margaritaville would sell a lot quicker than talking parrot commercials. i should become a fucking entrepreneur. one time i was given one hundred dollars i turned around and bought a shit ton of stuff at some 99 cent store and took a trip to honduras and sold all of it. i turned around a pretty nice profit for being a kid and whatnot. a lot of it had to do with i was an adorable teenager and i had an american accent. 
sex sells.
i wonder if this stupid blog would be more appealing to the general audience if i posted some pictures of my tits next time i am drunk? maybe i will do that. stay tuned.


  1. Oh hi i have a blog as well now. I got bored and made one today. Haveaniceday.
