Tuesday, August 10, 2010

ill be your favorite rockstar.

i cooked again for the first time in a while. i made some brown rice with roasted tomatoes and some lentil soup with carrots, celery and shrooms and a bunch of amazing seasonings. too bad i burnt the hell out of my tongue then i basically took a shot of sriracha hot sauce and my tongue fell off i think. in case you do not know what this fantastic invention is i am providing a picture.
i always break even when i cook cus it was baller. i dont think mike liked it all too much but thats okay. he doesnt eat healthy so i figured he would think it was gross. he ate it all though. at least he tries to be nice! fuck its 930pm already. where the shit does the evening go? oh i left my windows down this afternoon. there was zero percent chance rain today and hey guess what. it rained. 

you make me famous. and i love it. 


  1. Oh that sounds delish. I had a can of tuna with some relish in it, and a slice of cheese with some peanut butter on it. I wish I wasn't lazy.

  2. :) i totally wanna woo you with my mad cooking skills. did you put peanut butter on the cheese? thats so... strange! if you house me, i will cook for you so you can be lazy mk. fair trade?

  3. Yeah its actually good. I think we can work somethin out fersher.

  4. i love sriracha hot sauce and any asian hot sause i go thru that shit like tampoons!
    hjahaahahahah screw pple that dont eat lentil soup! i have many of those sorrounding me!
