Wednesday, July 28, 2010

rainbow street and moonglow road.

dear sierra vista arizona,

i do not like your passe dirt road sorry excuse for a city. i also can not stand all these paranormal creepers that walk around in dirty wife beaters and ripped up pants. you are the epitome of a trailer trash town. one of neighbors bummed a smoke off me a couple nights ago and she is definitely five months preggers but i still gave it to her 1) because i believe in free will and 2) because i know youre white trash ass will never be any more than white trash and because your likely bastard child will also be brought into this world as white trash with a built in meth and cigarette addiction so i only contributed to the inevitable. sierra vista, you are an awful place and it is not because of your disgusting monsoon season which spans 65 percent of the year or because it is usually between 88 and 100 degrees year round. that is not the only reason why it is also because the worst drivers in america and possibly the earth inhabit your roads. they have the most acid corroded paint jobs i have ever seen and they also are covered in stupid bumper stickers and gay 'fairy' stickers probably purchased from hot topic circa 1999 when it was cool to be a gay anime fairy and shit (fact: that was never cool.) your drivers, sierra vista, enjoy waiting until the last second to pull out onto a street and cut my new honda off and make me either have to slam on the brakes or swerve into another lane to cut you off and make you slam on your non working brakes. your walmart is also sub par which is surprising to me because i always believed trailer trash douchebags loved walmarts but i guess i was wrong i stand corrected. 

sierra vista you are the bane of my existence.

i was going to get my hair done today but of course sv's poor excuse for a mall closes at like seven pm so they did not want to take such an incredulous dye job like the simple one i was asking for at six pm. 

want to cry right now. but i wont. i am just going to sit here and pout and blog about it.

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