Friday, April 2, 2010

aren't you tired, cus i will carry you, on a broken back and blown out knees; i have been where you are, for a while.

aren't you tired of being weak? such rage that you could scream, all the stars right out of the sky. and destroy the prettiest starry night, every evening that i die. 

i'm currently looking at furniture online for our future apartment, which is about a month or two around the corner! it's super exciting, since i love furniture. almost as much as i love office supplies. of course, this is all wishful thinking and chances are, it will come down to having to get stuff from second hand options, until the future when things are more stable.
either way, i can dream! and post it on a blog. so far this is what i got (for the living room, which is what i will be focusing on.)
in my fantasy, i decorate the living room in chocolate brown with light blue detailing. i dislike leather, so that is not a viable option.

Capri Dark Brown Microsuede Sectional Sofa

Patch Toss Pillow

Neckroll Decorative Pillow


Chocolate Two-try Ottoman Storage Bench


Storage Ottoman with Tray Dark Brown Microfiber


Lenox Desktop Globe

and a bunch of other shit that i'm too lazy to put in here that we will end up buying but not really have much use for but that shit just looks so nice that we just got to have it and bitch about it when we have to dust it off because we're the type of people who dont dust every other day so that when we do dust that shit is thick and causes asthma attacks. yeah. (sup @ running sentences)

i'm blessed in the sense that, the person i am "nesting" with, is as equally passionate/creative/unique when it comes to decorating. i tend to sometimes stray closer to college dorm/immature looking decor and he tends to stray towards modern simplistic decor which neither work for a "real" house. that lands us somewhere in the middle, somehow. and we end up with something we both like.
we already have several plans for home made pieces, like the coffee table. due to my deep love for Seinfeld, i have a love for a good coffee table. nothing wins me over like a fuckin' great coffee table!
we're going to make our own and i'm stoked! and essentially, everything else that we want but the companies suck at making, we're going to try to up 'em.

next order of business: 
1. To satisfy; to quench; to extinguish; as, to slake thirst.
2. To cause to lessen; to make less active or intense; to moderate; as, slaking his anger.
3. To cause (as lime) to heat and crumble by treatment with water.

i only drank 3 bottles of water today. i just took a sip and slaked my thirst. aha!

i need some f'ing sleep brah. peace.

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