Wednesday, March 31, 2010

nights can be so violent when beds become vacant

today's word of the day, bruddah.


1. To dress or adorn in gaudy manner

there will be no Olson! girl of the day because i'm tired, irritated and need to go read some Che.

i do have one vent. i want to go home... now. not in a month, not in a week, or 3. like, if i could be on that 20 hour flight r i g h t  n o w. i would be.
it's not to say i dont want to LIVE with my husband, but after not living together for a year, i think its asking a little too much from me to force me to have to adapt this quickly. it's different when all the quirks and perks that were interesting in the beginning (when i force-moved in by slowly leaving my toothbrush at his apartment) turn out to be traits. 

eh. it's nothing a few chapters from Che's interesting life can't cure.



  1. Morale just went to zero.
    I would give relationship advice but obviously my way isn't working for me. So I will just with it or say something about it.

  2. :( sorry mate. i'm just being melodramatic.

    this is the phase of the transition where everything is just seeping out.

    there's nothing to be said, because 1) that's not the type of person i am. i'd rather walk away from an issue
    2) talking rarely solves anything. action does.
