Monday, November 29, 2010

twenty hours ago.

i just got a little electric charge.
but dont worry, you're not my heroin. ill keep waiting for a lonely weekend in a distant ghost town. and keep my mind bright by touching the pages that maybe enlightened you. if only the rest of the world would wake up and shine.

today was mega long. i got to listen to cultural awareness briefings all day. a lot of it was fascinating since they were trying to ease in manipulation/elicitation means as a way to build rapport with a different culture.

i think i am going to buy the five languages of love mostly because ive been out of touch with people lately. and i think ive fallen in love with reading. also mike and i went to the new panda express they built out here. wow way to fuck up anything that is holy, sv. fucking gross. oh yeah and apparently im getting a kindle at the end of the week. fucks yeah.
if anybody ever wants an adventure


  1. Once you read that book you'll have till me what you love language is, cause I have a guess, but I don't want to throw bias at you until you've read it.
    I would really like to have an adventure but I lack any creative ideas. If you have anything in mind, I'd love to leach off of your care free spirit. Cause right now, doing anything different is better then staying at home.

  2. Don't be mad. sv at least tried. Yes, kindles are delicious. I've always been iffy on reading t5ll:tstltl (see how cool I am). Well read the damn thing and tell me if I should bother.

  3. i took some online quizzes to get an early idea of what i fall under. i mean, i already know what i like/dont like, etc. so you're not really going to throw any bias at me that i already don't have. incidentally, the results turned out to be what i thought they would be. im gonna buy the book on kindle when i get it.

    the thing about leaching off someone's spirit is you have to bring something to the table, silly. you can't just sit back and enjoy the ride.

