Saturday, September 4, 2010

ooh you the bomb girl.

checkit. this weekend is going pretty awesome. plus i just bought a new trashcan cus the other one was pissing me off. 
so i got a random text from JLB today that said "i love my gf". it wasnt something he would say especially out of nowhere and given how i know his gf is a psycho i already figured she was the one behind the keyboard. i said 'orly haha thats nice' and then the texts continued, always sounding like someone retarded with no grammar or spelling or even attention-to-detail was typing. finally, it ended with an "ok no more" text, signifying that we no longer would be talking. then i pushed forward with passively aggressively insulting his insecure gf. then 'he' starts calling. to be honest, it could be him. if thats the case, then fuck him anyways for being another fucking drone.
i just wrote him "k so anyways if you cant be a 'grown up' n continue to be pals cus your gf is insecure, mk. we can leave it at that. i still think thats shady. we've known each other longer but fuck it if thats how you wanna life your life, by someone else telling you how to, then go for it. i hope the pussys worth losing your friends over"

so, people. if we're currently acquaintances and you ever pull this shit cus you dont have the balls to be an independent thinker, save us the trouble of building memories together and go fuck off immediately. 

jlb, you and your psycho ass gfs that have an issue with me, have fun brah. 

IN OTHER NEWS ITS HOT AS FUCK OUTSIDE. i was promised an ice age by 2010. LIES FROM THE WOLF.
so i think that calls for drinking and smoking by the pool. i just had some yummy sushie. ohyes.

this whole situation reminds me of a couple days ago one of my good friends sent me a message on facebook before the deletion talking about how HIS psycho wife found out i text him before i left korea. apparently women feel threatened by me. GOOD. you SHOULD because im a bigger woman than youll ever be. but im not a homewrecker and you can rest assure i have my own life, i dont require yours you stupid bitches.
maybe if you werent stuck up boring girls you would not have this problem, though. and on that note, deuces!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. elaborate how it is different cus i dont recognize it.

    maybe it was because i was in a hurry? i dont know. ELABORATE MK.

  3. I deleted the above comment. Upon reconsidering, I think it may have been unfounded. I have a 'hunch' if you will, but it will take time to show it with support. Sometimes it is hard to make a right-brain discovery and translate it to something the left-brain can understand.

  4. a hunch, eh.
    i'm still trying to figure out what put the idea on your mind. and obviously it's a 'bad thing', since you said 'regressed' which more often than not is a negative term.
