Tuesday, September 7, 2010

ill always remember that day in september. or was it november? either way, i'll remember it.

sipping overly sweetened coffee at work right now. i have three days to finish something that i've been working three weeks on. realistically, if i waited for the people who SHOULD have done their jobs to actually do their jobs so i can accomplish mine i would not finish shit because they are idiots and wont actually do their jobs. i want a job where i rely only on myself but i still get to interact with people. somebody find me that pronto stat.
i am so happy i have a near impossible deadline hanging over me right now that makes the day so much more exciting! 

have you ever had a person who without ever saying anything encouraged you to change? ive had a few people who were revolutionaries to me. inadvertently changed me to the person i am today. ill mention two. one was in 2007 and he was the most easy going, funnest person to be around. you got a natural high from just being in a room with him. the other person is a girl. probably the smartest girl alive. has degrees up the ass but she prefers being sardonic and writing about her promiscuities and smoking+drinking excessively. two completely different people, possibly the only thing in common were the blue eyes.

i forgot what i did over the four day weekend all i remember is getting a lot of bug bites and thats just because i keep itching them. i hate mosquitos. but those bitches love me. somebody please take me to get my nails done!

oh fuck. i just did a run down of how much work i actually have to do and its more than i estimated. oh well it will probably take me half a day to do it. 

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