Monday, August 9, 2010

who couldnt use a wish right now, wish right now...?

thank god for amazing people. thank god for people who break you out of your funk and make you remember how terrific it is to run in the rain. 
i was kind of a lush this weekend. now i am all tired at the office. today i get to meet my boss's boss's boss. last night i drank a few apple sangrias. they were fantastic. shitty just stopped working or something so my day just became difficult. GAH REFRESH REFRESH REFRESH. you know what i really dislike? times new roman font. i think there are more professional type faces out there anyways. times new roman is like that annoying person i tune out. if i see something in that font i will not read it. KEEP THAT IN MIND. for some reason my outlook is being skittish. it keeps going on and offline. it doesn't matter to me though because i dont use that shit. i just created a google calendar account because i have a very important date in like three months and i did not want to forget it but i have like five notebooks on my desk right now and i knew that if i write in them something as important as this date i might never see it because i go through notebook like a whore goes through condoms. so thus, i created google calendar. mason is making bear sounds. its colder than a pimps heart in my office, i feel weird today. im in desperate need of a run after work. maybe i will mark that down in my new calendar. somebody got me into listening to stone sour recently. well maybe not right now because grooveshark is being a nasty bitch. 

theres so much i want to do! 


  1. i see somebody is very fucking clever very early in the day today. Tim McIlrath > corey taylor. chyea

  2. ok so this is the deal we will take pics and blog on here including pic of the scale, no bs nonsense or text the scale pics but somehow its gota be tracked as evidence lol.
